View Full Version : Short man syndrome - does it exist?
26th-July-2007, 04:31 PM
Is it true that short men are generally people who feel a need to get to prove that being short does not stop them being men so therefore they have this urge to prove themselves at every avenue. ie: starting fights, being mean etc
I hear it a lot, "he is suffering with Short Man Syndrome".
Thought i would ask if other people experience it too.
This is not in anyway meant to be horrible to short men cause i date a short man and he is absolutely gorgeous lovely and yummy. (DTS you are short so dont argue).xxxx :love: :awe:
dave the scaffolder
26th-July-2007, 04:41 PM
So who is this short man you are seeing on the side then?
I may add i am 5 foot 8 inches tall and just because i was recently involved in a fight it does not mean that i suffer from short man syndrome as I AM TALLISH.
XXX XXX DTS Dave:love::rofl::rofl::rofl:
26th-July-2007, 04:48 PM
I may add i am 5 foot 8 inches tall and just because i was recently involved in a fight it does not mean that i suffer from short man syndrome as I AM TALLISH.
XXX XXX DTS Dave:love::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I'm exactly the same height as you DTS :na: Though I haven't been in any fights lately. I am tall-ish as well :rofl:
26th-July-2007, 05:09 PM
So who is this short man you are seeing on the side then?
I may add i am 5 foot 8 inches tall and just because i was recently involved in a fight it does not mean that i suffer from short man syndrome as I AM TALLISH.
XXX XXX DTS Dave:love::rofl::rofl::rofl:
5ft 8 in your cubans maybe :whistle: :wink: :love: :respect:
26th-July-2007, 05:12 PM
If dave the scaffolder ( & TurboTomato ( are 5`8" and TALLISH what dos that make me at 5`7"
Stairman (
26th-July-2007, 05:14 PM
If dave the scaffolder ( & TurboTomato ( are 5`8" and TALLISH what dos that make me at 5`7"
Stairman (
Do you suffer with short man syndrome Stairman. Have you ever felt your height means you have to try harder than most to please, get your point across etc
if not then you are also tallish IMHO. !!!
26th-July-2007, 05:21 PM
I think that I am of avrage hight none of the disavantages of being tall (or advantages and aragance ) but there are almost as meny shorter then me
26th-July-2007, 05:23 PM
all good things come in smaller packages they say.......
but they do have a nippier bite apparantely. :D :awe: :wink:
dave the scaffolder
26th-July-2007, 05:32 PM
5ft 8 in your cubans maybe :whistle: :wink: :love: :respect:
When i am 165 foot up in the air balancing on a 9inch board carrying a hundred weight of scaffolding on my shoulder, there is no one taller than me.
I may add this is not what to expect if you come and work for me for 10 days next week.
26th-July-2007, 05:32 PM
According to wikipdia ( else) the average height for a man in the UK is 5'9" - so sorry Stairman, TT and DTS, you can't be described as tallish if you're under the average height.
dave the scaffolder
26th-July-2007, 05:35 PM
According to wikipdia ( else) the average height for a man in the UK is 5'9" - so sorry Stairman, TT and DTS, you can't be described as tallish if you're under the average height.
Dont forget to ask us three shorties for a dance next time we see you.
26th-July-2007, 05:41 PM
Dont forget to ask us three shorties for a dance next time we see you.
I was just coming back to amend my post actually - cause you aren't exactly short either. About average I guess.
Anyway, what's this with the "next"?! :confused: Have never seen any of you for a dance to my knowledge, sadly. :(
I quite like dancing with some shorter men - they actually seem less inclined to whack me over the head when returning me than some taller guys. Guess they must be more height-aware, but if that's to my advantage then great :clap:
Double Trouble
26th-July-2007, 06:49 PM
Short men are soooooo last season. 5' 10'' is the new 'black'. :clap:
under par
26th-July-2007, 07:21 PM
Is it true that short men are generally people who feel a need to get to prove that being short does not stop them being men so therefore they have this urge to prove themselves at every avenue. ie: starting fights, being mean etc
I hear it a lot, "he is suffering with Short Man Syndrome".
Thought i would ask if other people experience it too.
In my professional experience 25 years with the boys in blue I have to say that "SPS"(Small Person Syndrome, its not gender specific believe me!!) as I know it does exist.
I preface the following comments that most undersized persons are mostly alright:wink:
But the meanest, nastiest, aggressive, mouthy, punchy personalities I have ever dealt with have all been below average height.:angry:
The worst cases of domestic violence I have dealt with were by very short persons too.
In no way are all nasty crimes committed by short persons but on average the shorter the person involved the slightly higher chance they are despicable personality wise especially when drunk.
This 25 year survey was NOT scientifically prepared.
On a personal note every person, bar one, that I have ever arrested in over 25 years has been on the short side.... its all relative you know!:D
dave the scaffolder
26th-July-2007, 07:22 PM
Short men are soooooo last season. 5' 10'' is the new 'black'. :clap:
Cant be bothered
26th-July-2007, 07:48 PM
I'm 5' 6" so have always imagined that "short" men are shorter than that :na: :)
Minnie M
26th-July-2007, 08:53 PM
At 5'2" most men are tall to me :blush:
However, I always thought 5'6" and below actually meant "short" for men.
I always thought Tom Cruise was really really short, but he is actually about 5'8" - he just chooses to date (and marry) very tall women - why :confused:
BTW why do lots of small/short men love driving big cars :whistle:
26th-July-2007, 09:01 PM
i'm 5ft 10" so most men are short to me :wink:
and if your asking i'm a 6ft blond :waycool: :na:
I tell a good story :whistle: :D
anyway, its not your hight its what you do with it that counts :wink::devil: isn't it :rolleyes: :confused:
under par
26th-July-2007, 09:01 PM
At 5'2" most men are tall to me :blush:
However, I always thought 5'6" and below actually meant "short" for men.
I always thought Tom Cruise was really really short, but he is actually about 5'8" - he just chooses to date (and marry) very tall women - why :confused:
BTW why do lots of small/short men love driving big cars :whistle:
Surely you know a large car can be seen as a p**is extension by some shorter males.:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
26th-July-2007, 09:24 PM
I find the question more interesting than the answers - or, rather, the questioner more interesting than the respondents.
Let me rephrase the question somewhat and leave everyone else to comment..
"Why is it that all short men feel, because of their shortness, a need to prove themselves real men by enrolling at Open University or entering University and developing their intelectual capacities and getting a degree".
26th-July-2007, 11:53 PM
i'm 5ft 10" so most men are short to me :wink:
and if your asking i'm a 6ft blond :waycool: :na:
At one time I might have looked at you with eyes on a level. Had I had the confidence and serenity to do so.
But the spine compresses over the years and I'm probably a couple of inches short these days. So, as the confidence level increases the eye level decreases.
27th-July-2007, 12:05 AM
So who is this short man you are seeing on the side then?
I'm exactly the same height as you DTS
If dave the scaffolder & TurboTomato are TALLISH what dos that make me
Dopey, by default
Ok, just one thought.... Where are ya gonna get the other 4 from, pretty good timing as well I'd say :D We could have a forum panto :whistle:
27th-July-2007, 05:58 AM
i'm 5ft 10" so most men are short to me :wink:
and if your asking i'm a 6ft blond :waycool: :na:
I tell a good story :whistle: :D
anyway, its not your hight its what you do with it that counts :wink::devil: isn't it :rolleyes: :confused:
I'm 188cm or around 6ft 1". I consider myself to be mid size, I used to play basketball, so 188cm is short but in life I find that being my height has its problems as everything is made for people small than I. A double bed is too small, showers either have the tap to low or the framing for the shower screens to low. Mirrors in bathrooms usually end at my neck. Pens are not made for my hand size, thankfully keyboards are non discriminating it would seem. The back seat of a car has no leg room nor head room. Telephone booth phones are situated at my navel. So any guys out there with little man syndrome should consider themselves no better or worse than a tall man. Although if I had a choice of being 4ft 11 or 6ft 11" I'd chose the latter. Then I could be a basketball star...........maybe :whistle:
27th-July-2007, 08:07 AM
I think this forum already established that around 5'7"-5'8" is the best height for a male dancer to be.
As a 5' 7.5" shorty, I'd quite like to have ended up a bit taller, but probably only by a couple of inches.
27th-July-2007, 08:54 AM
I'm sure there'll be plenty of short-arses and Scottish people that'll take offence to this, but tough sh1t. I'm not exactly a giant myself. :rolleyes:
The Army is full of diminutive jocks with huge attitude problems. It's like the attitude makes up for about 12 to 18 inches :confused:.
It's a shame really because they all think they're really scary and feared, but actually they all made me want to pat them on the head and say "ahhhh, never mind. Poor little man". :D
27th-July-2007, 10:32 AM
So who is this short man you are seeing on the side then?
I may add i am 5 foot 8 inches tall . . .
I've always looked up to you mate. Please stay on the Forum. :flower:
27th-July-2007, 10:47 AM
...On a personal note every person, bar one, that I have ever arrested in over 25 years has been on the short side.... its all relative you know!:D:devil: Speaking only personally, I think I would have a strong presumption of innocence faced with a 6'9 axe wielding drunk. :eek: I would not be fooled by the little guy wearing a dog-collar.Put that bible on the floor, sonny, and move away from it... :devil:
Being only a comparative shorty at 6'3' I have come across SPS, but very, very rarely.The only dance related incident was at the Leopard Lounge, where I got very adverse signals from one such.
I had hooked up with a gorgeous tall slim novice, and spent most of the night dancing with her. We took a drinks break on the shightly raised chill out area. Shorty saw us there, and, with a definite "I'll spoil his fun" sneer on his face asked her to dance.I'll never forget the look on his face as she slowly elevated herself to a stage assisted 6'9 above him. He did enjoy his three-minutes worth, though, head :grin: buried in her bosom. Shortness has its advantages ...
27th-July-2007, 11:12 AM
I'm only 3 ft 2 inches.. but I appear to be 6 foot by cunningly manipulating perspective.. I stand closer to you so you think I'm taller.. :wink:
Actually I have a pretty short upper body .. but luckily my legs go all the way to the ground. :wink:
As a tallish person (probably) I'm not prone to fights.
27th-July-2007, 03:19 PM
On a personal note every person, bar one, that I have ever arrested in over 25 years has been on the short side.... its all relative you know!:D
Good grief, how tall was this one person? :eek:
27th-July-2007, 04:49 PM
Funnily enough, the shortest Cerocer I know, is renowned for doing continual aerials and drops.. Maybe he likes to prove his strength? (come to think of it, I've not seen him since the ban)
under par
27th-July-2007, 06:24 PM
Good grief, how tall was this one person? :eek:
a 6'10" tall hod carrier... quite a scarey man...:eek: his hands were so big his finger print was too big to fit in the box on the form:eek:
Minnie M
27th-July-2007, 06:27 PM
Funnily enough, the shortest Cerocer I know, is renowned for doing continual aerials and drops.. Maybe he likes to prove his strength? (come to think of it, I've not seen him since the ban)
I think I know who you mean - he has even tried aerials with me :eek: :eek:
Last time I saw him he was all loved up with a very lovely lady :love:
Andy McGregor
27th-July-2007, 08:59 PM
I think this forum already established that around 5'7"-5'8" is the best height for a male dancer to be.
As a 5' 7.5" shorty, I'd quite like to have ended up a bit taller, but probably only by a couple of inches.There is "SMS" - all short men are brilliant dancers.. We are, as ducasi said, exactly the right height for partner dancing...
.. and, if you don't agree, I'll punch your lights out :wink:
29th-July-2007, 12:08 PM
Very small women are the meanist of them all though, EVEN very tall men are scared of them.:wink:
Wouldn't you agree UP??:innocent:
under par
30th-July-2007, 08:57 AM
Very small women are the meanist of them all though, EVEN very tall men are scared of them.:wink:
Wouldn't you agree UP??:innocent:
:eek: :eek: yes:blush:
30th-July-2007, 09:28 AM
I was bringing my late Fathers Regimental Sargent Majors cane home via London with my 8 young son, Frank. I took him through Leicester Square to see the street entertainment. A dwarf leapt out of a doorway and started to berate me for swinging the cane around in a dangerous fashion. I nodded, and apologised. My son was obviously dejected. He had seen me in full aggro mode with groups of full sized miscreants, and to see big Dad cowtowing to a dwarf had shattered his image of me.
A few weeks later in a Sunday supplement mag I saw a picture of a dwarf standing on the ropes of a wrestling ring. I excitedly showed the picture to my son. "It's him!". "No dad, all dwarves look the same." I read the article. It transpired the wrestling dwarf had written a book. He had been associated with the Kray gang, had done time for manslaughter, and was well know for hanging out in Leicester Square. Obviously I had missed an opportunity to enquire first hand about short man syndrome.
John S
31st-July-2007, 09:57 AM
Elevating myself to the full extent of my 5 foot (cough) inches, I can say definitively that Short Man Syndrome is a myth. Now as for Tall Woman Syndrome, that's a completely different story, and I have to content myself that everyone's the same height lying down.
In the meantime:
YouTube - Short Man Syndrome (
31st-July-2007, 10:55 AM
I think this forum already established that around 5'7"-5'8" is the best height for a male dancer to be.
:clap: I always knew it!
A modest (not short!) 5'7".
As for Short Man Syndrome I think it exists but it's not prolific enough to be assumed of every shorter guy. The general pattern 'on the street' that I would say I've noticed is that taller guys just have that one fewer thing to worry about, confident in the knowledge that the general trend is that women tend to prefer guys taller than themselves.
It certainly isn't all that much fun having everyone you meet look down to meet your eye level, even just to talk to someone, when no offence is intended on the part of the taller person. Still, I wouldn't pick a fight in the hope to prove myself. Who'd I be kidding against a 14st, 6'3" bruiser?!
31st-July-2007, 11:50 AM
Driving to work this morning, I was not paying enough attention to the car in front, which stopped short in front of me and I crashed into it! I got out the car to survey the damage and a dwarf got out of the car in front, came around, looked angrily at his damaged vehicle and said 'I'm not happy!' So I replied.. so which one are you then? :whistle:
31st-July-2007, 12:01 PM
Driving to work this morning, I was not paying enough attention to the car in front, which stopped short in front of me and I crashed into it! I got out the car to survey the damage and a dwarf got out of the car in front, came around, looked angrily at his damaged vehicle and said 'I'm not happy!' So I replied.. so which one are you then? :whistle:
How tall is John ?
31st-July-2007, 01:50 PM
Short man syndrome doesn't exist - and if anyone says it does, I'll punch them :angry:
If I can reach them.
31st-July-2007, 02:42 PM
Short man syndrome doesn't exist - and if anyone says it does, I'll punch them :angry:
If I can reach them.
OH TT you are awful. :respect: :flower: :rofl:
31st-July-2007, 02:44 PM
Short man syndrome doesn't exist - and if anyone says it does, I'll punch them :angry:
If I can reach them.Where they can reach :eek: has been a consideration when I have been faced with sms aggro.
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